Friday, January 21, 2011

Ayunda Tamara Siagian

Ayunda Tamara Siagian. My very best friend.

When she told me that 21st January 2011 will be her last day, I've been wondering what kind of day will be this 21st of January 2011. I was thinking of going to the office reluctantly in the morning, then hugging and stalking her wherever she goes. 

Turns out? Dengue beaten me up. Got hospitalized since Saturday, 15th January 2011 and discharged this morning. So? Yeah, I couldn't be there on her last day.

All I can do now is watching my timeline in Twitter. Seeing everyone is crying out their heart for Ayunda's last day. And me? Yeah. Been crying under my blankie since then.

Nda, wish you all best things in life.
It's not a goodbye, it's a good luck.
I love you to the bone, Dear. Promise to keep in touch will you?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Not Really Look Forward to January 2011

What date is today? Oh ya, January, 7th, 2011.

19 more days to my 30th birthday. The fact that doesn't really pleased me.
Every year, in December, I used to be very happy. Why?? Yeah, because the month after is my birthday.
But this year, sucks! Big time!'s not the fact that I'll turn to 30 this year that upsets me. It's because I'll have to let go some friends, good friend, best friends. For those who know me, they'll know that my friends are the only things that always makes me look forward to go to work, everyday. Now, this year, I'll have to let go of them.

It's for a better tomorrow for sure. I do happy for them. But please allow me to "mourn" a little while.

Mengisi Hari-Hari Sick Leave

Hari ini Jumat, 7 Januari 2011 adalah hari ke 5 aku nggak masuk kantor gara-gara sakit mata. Ceritanya si ganteng duluan yang kena (kalo bukan istri sendiri, siapa yang muji dong). Nah karena kami sehati dan sejiwa, maka jadilah si virus "loncat" ke mataku.

Berdasarkan browsing-browsing di Mayo Clinic, sakit mata a.k.a Conjunctivitis yang aku dan si Ganteng alami ini penyebabnya viral. Akhirnya kami cuma rajin bersihkan si mata dengan kapas yang dibasahi dengan air hangat matang.

Di hari ke 4, mataku malah bengkak. Kacaunya, hari itu tanggal 31 Desember 2010, malam tahun baru. Hari itu masih harus ngantor pula. Pulang kantor lebih cepat, jam 5 sore. Tapi udah nggak ada spesialis mata yang praktek. Jadilah aku bersabar nunggu hari Senin, 3 Januari 2011. Sebelumnya sih sempat ke UGD salah satu RS di dekat rumah. Nggak tahan banget soalnya. Bengkaknya sampe sebesar telur ayam kampung. Eeeh si dokter jaga di UGD malah ngasih obat yang aneh-aneh. Untung aku selalu browsing bahan aktif dan kegunaan dari setiap resep yang dokter kasih ke keluargaku.

Well, baiklah.. Inilah kenapa ide membuat blog ini ada. Mengisi hari-hari sick leave. :D Call me lame, norak, ketinggalan jaman or whatever karena baru kali ini buat blog. But, better late than never, right? *cari pembenaran*

Selamat tidur siang (buat yang libur), selamat kembali bekerja (buat yang ngantor).